Friday, March 04, 2005

first post

Trying to stick to my work-out plan has become increasingly more difficult. After 3 pieces of delicious chocolate cake at work, I feel sick to my stomach and am vowing never to eat again. That's what I get for denying myself of chocolate for a week. I'm trying to get up the motivation to go for a short run but it's all I can do to not put my head down on the desk and take a postpranadial nap. That fact that I work in a lab that studies obesity and insulin resistance doesn't temper my guilt either. Oh, well.
I'm very excited about the 1/2 marathon at the beginning of April for which I'm training. The first one I did was on Halloween of last year. An overzealous training plan strained my left hip abductor 3 weeks before race day. I did the race anyway, barely. I'm hoping this time will be better. My goal is to feel good running it without being injured. So far, so good; knock on wood.
I'm also excited about the Memphis in May triathlon. It will be my first Olympic distance triathlon. Swimming a mile non-stop in a lake? We'll see. At least I won't have to worry about flip-turns.
Meanwhile, at home, the house is overrun with bunnies. My obsessive-compulsive tendencies keep it clean despite their attempts to destroy my efforts. They are litter-box trained at least. I also think my doctor would approve--they're great at destressing and lowering my blood pressure at the end of the day. My bunnies, Babs and Taz, use me as a jungle-gym when I lay down. My 2 foster bunnies, Oscar and Paddington, love story-time before bedtime. Yes, they are like my children. I'm starting to introduce Oscar to Babs and Taz to see if they will get along. It took 6 months for Babs and Taz to bond so we'll see. I'll have to be extra careful since Oscar is 10 lbs. and Babs and Taz are only 5 and 4, respectively.

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