Feeling lots better today. Definitely slept enough! I'm starting to get nervous about this weekend's big race. Can I really do that distance? Gulp. It'll by my first real Olympic distance (San Diego was so short!). I know I will be fine but I'm getting psyched. That's how I know I'm ready. Sleep? Good. Been doing lots of that. Training? Good. Maybe a little too much last weekend but definitely interspersed with rest so okay. Nutrition? Definitely eating enough cals., that's for sure! Could definitely be doing better on the veggie side of things. Too much pizza and too many cookies! I'm definitely not hurting for carbs. Have also recently been trying to up the protein side of things with more eggs, milk, yogurt, beef, fish (mmmmm---sushi), poultry, and low-fat smoothies to speed muscle recovery. Good thing I'm not a vegetarian. Maybe it's just the placebo effect, but ever since I've been trying to up the protein, I've noticed my muscles have started to really "pop", for me at least, which is hard to do. My weight hasn't changed at all but my body fat has dropped a bit so that's a good sign! Hopefully, I'll get a little workout in tonight to keep my anxiety down. It's funny. I think I train more now for my mind than my body. My body is like, "Haven't you had enough already?"
Glad you're feeling better! Just don't go too low on the carbs-- the right kind can really help your energy levels.
More veggie is always a good thing.
I am sure u will be fine this weekend. Just relaxz and give your body as much rest as it needs.
Good luck this weekend, remeber to have fun while flying through it! Since starting tris- Spinach and brocoli have become my favorite foods.
You are going to to great! Just remember, have fun!
Sounds like you're doing all the right things! :) Have a blast and enjoy your race!
Hi, first time posting here... I just wanted to comment on your Cartoon of the Month. The other morning I woke up to my alarm, intending to run. But, oh the bed felt so comfortable it just didn't seem like it was going to happen! However, your cartoon image immediately popped up in my head and somehow that motivated me to get up and run. I didn't regret one minute of it. :)
Good luck on your tri this weekend!
Ra-ra good luck with the triathlon tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! I am sure you are going to go the distance!
Best of luck this weekend!!!
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