Sunday, July 30, 2023

Working out at a lower intensity

I somehow nailed a perfect week despite 2, much-needed rest days. That's 2 weights and 3 of all the sports: run, bike, and swim. I didn't think I would be able to do it. I've been logging some big miles and feeling it. Then I heard a podcast (maybe more than 1) where pros do 80% of their training at base pace or easier and most age groupers spend too much time training too intensely. Then, you can't recover in time for the next work out. In addition, getting out the door is always the hardest. Sometimes, I put too much pressure on the workout to go fast or long. What about just making it fun? Take pictures? Explore a new area? 

I had a big training weekend. I swam 1 mile around the Santa Cruz pier to preview the 70.3 course with some buddies from Silicon Valley Tri Club. (I think I've shaved 5 minutes off my mile time! Yay masters swimming!). Then, we rode the 56-mile course, riding out to Pigeon Point and back. Fantastic race day prep. I tried out my clothes, nutrition, bike, pace, etc. There was a brutal headwind on the way out, which played mind tricks on me. I focused on staying at base pace, hydrating, eating and staying mentally positive. I rode in the back of the group, determined to stay in a 2-3 RPE (rate of perceived effort on a scale of 1-10). At the turn-around, since I had taken good care of myself, I felt fantastic and doubled my speed on the return, thanks to a rewarding tail wind. There are definitely a lot of rolling hills on the course but the unpredictable head winds were definitely the worst, in my opinion. However, now I know what to expect on race day so I'm mentally prepared. I will ride using the same strategy. Don't look at my pace, just focus on effort and breathing. Don't go out too hard. Eat and hydrate. Save it for the run. I made some new friends, and we had a yummy lunch at the Picnic Basket afterwards. 

Sunday, I met some new friends from SVTC on the Los Gatos Creek Trail. We ran 9 miles at a conversational pace. The miles flew by as my new buddy, and I chatted up a storm. Now, that's the way to do a long run!

After a long nap, I felt very tired but as I woke up, I realized I could sneak in 1 last, recovery bike and nail the 3rd bike workout for the week. Using this new strategy of "going easy" that I've been hearing about from buddies and podcasts, I took my mountain bike for a spin at Baywell Bedfront Park, which is about 2 miles from me. It was such a treat to just get on my mountain bike and go exploring!

Time to stretch...

-At the beginning of the ride with Silicon Valley Tri Club in Santa Cruz. 

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