Still here....
Thanks for all your support! I'm fine. Doing lots better. The last two weeks have been hard. Really hard. Seems I picked up some sort of stomach bug while in Wisconsin, and it's taken about this long to get it through my system. I'm sort of in survival mode right now.
My groin feels 100% better. It healed within 3-5 days. Unfortunately, between lab being crazy-busy and my gut keeping me otherwise-bed-ridden, I haven't been able to do anything. I'm hating myself for it and fear I'm going to have to start over from scratch.
Lab has really picked up. It's good but these last two weeks have been solid 12 hour-days. I'm sick of getting into lab at 6 a.m. after only having gone home at 9 p.m. the night before. That has to stop. Luckily, that was only necessary for a short time. I still have a crap-ton-pile of work to do at lab but I have to pace myself or I know I will get sick again. Plus, I hate doing nothing else. It really screws with my mind. I thrive on balance and routine in my life, and that is not it.
The stomach bug was a quietier, lingering sort this time around. I have IBS so I'm quite familiar with ailments of the G.I. but I thought whatever it was would flush itself out in a few days. Don't worry. Jason and my mom insisted I speak with my doc, and I did, and we're in rest, drink lots of fluids, and wait-and-see mode. Basically, a bunch of disgusting things usually associated with a sick gut happened to me over these last two weeks (why can't I just get a respiratory cold like everyone else where I can comfortably talk about a runny nose or a cough or something without everyone getting grossed out?), which seemed to end in a grand finale of a 104 degree fever last night, which freaked everyone out. Some Tylenol, soup, and chamomile tea kept everything under control. Today, I've been resting all day and drinking lots of fluids. Still have a headache and feel a little tired but am definitely eating better. I'm hoping tomorrow I might feel well enough to go for a much-needed run.
It sounds like you've had more than just an ordinary little stomach bug. Get well soon!
Hope you get lots of rest and get better soon :-)
Sorry to hear about the stomach bug! Hope you're feeling better soon!
OUCH! Sorry to hear about the sickness....be careful about ramping back up the training so soon...easy does it!
That stomach bug must have sucked, but great news about your pulled groin! Hopefully, you'll be fully recovery from all ailments soon!
How frustrating. I'm sure you'll be back up and running in no time.
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