Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Last night, I laid in bed awake, thoughts racing through my head like sugar plum fairies, as usual. I'm unemployed and single (again, not that I'm advertising). Certainly this is not what I planned. Many friends and acquaintenances have offered their condolences. My mother even said I deserve a little good luck because I've had such bad luck the last 3 years. Each time, I'm taken back. Bad luck? Me? Funny, I'm the last to know.

On the contrary, I actually feel extremely fortunate. Maybe it's the massive doses of antidepressants talking but it could be so much worse. I have a wonderful family who supports me and lots of friends to turn to. I have amazing dogs and wonderful pets that keep me company. There are definitely pangs of loneliness that shoot through my chest, mostly late at night, but really, I'm never alone. I'm extremely lucky to have a family supporting me during this period of no income. I have food on the table and a roof over my head. I'm healthy and active and enjoy going out each and every day and getting my heart rate up, feeling the burn in my legs, and the sweat dripping down my forehead. I get to spend extra time romping through crests and canyons with my dogs. In addition, I get to use this time to invest in some of my other interests (which I have several), including volunteering at the animal shelter, painting, and writing. True, this isn't exactly what I want but I'm making the most of it. In no time at all, I will have that new dream job and enviously reflect on this downtime when free time was plentiful.

And when in doubt, I go for a run.


Shorty said...

I so feel you on this. I'm turning 30 soon, have very little money, and am single, as those around me marry and have kids. Would I like to find a partner and raise a family? Sure. But I also appreciate the life I have now, and the decisions and hard work that got me here - I have the time and health to dedicate to training to reach physical goals, a job I believe in, and great friends and family. I have come to believe that all I can do is focus on making small decisions that are in line with my beliefs and values and joys, and that as long as I do that, the big decisions and developments will happen the way they are supposed to. Anyways, you've got the right attitude about it, keep it up.

- Sarah

TRI714 said...

bummer to hear this. You got this. Some employer and someone will be fortunate to find you soon enough.

Caratunk Girl said...

Sorry to hear about the tough stuff you are going through right now, but you have the right attitude. Things are going to turn around, and a lot of times, when one door closes, another door opens - sometimes one you didn't know was there. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

I am just starting my triathlon journey and love your blog. It is keeping my inspiration and motivation high. Keep up the good work.

Christi said...

That is a great attitude!

Unknown said...
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Rhona said...

Love your blog. The sugar plum fairies comment made me laugh, not heard that before but it conjures up just the right image!

Wes said...

There's always something to be said for a glass half full type attitude. and in truth, you'll never ever be alone. you're good peeps...

Unknown said...

Thank You for writing such a wonderful blog. I have been reading for a few months now, and have to say while I am inspired by your successes, I am just as encouraged by how you handle the setbacks. I understand what it means to try to pick yourself up when life looks bleak. Ultimately the adversity that we overcome in our lives is the true measuring stick we use to determine our self worth. You inspire me. In fact you even inspired me to start my own triathlon blog. Thank you for the great reading!

Andy said...

I love your positive "glass is half full attitude about things!" I hope that you will find a job that you will enjoy soon, but until that time, take advantage of what life has to offer, and everyone who cares for you will be there step for step. Hope you had a great weekend!