Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Training has begun

I haven't fallen off the bandwagon. I've been crazy-busy! Trying to balance lab with triathlon training is tough. My half-ironman training plan officially began this week. I have lots of details to post on this later as I've typed up lots of carefully planned Excel spreadsheets on this. It's weird having all my workouts planned out through March. I've even accounted for holidays and some practice races. The nice thing is that it is flexible so I can change it as I go. But it's a nice guideline.

Sunday, Jason and I went for an awesome 10K trail run. I can really feel myself getting faster and stronger on those trails and hills! I got pissed that he could go faster and my tempo naturally picked up. I matched him and could sustain the increased pace up to the turnaround without tiring (when everything started going uphill). Going up the hills, I pumped my arms and bolted up them. I felt fresh. I had the mental "oomph" to get up them. Funny how some days you can power through things and feel great and other days you slog through workouts. Is it mental or physical? Hmm. Anyway, I think the track workouts are finally paying off! Because I'm seeing such big dividends, track workouts will continue to be part of my training routine. They make me stronger and best of all, faster!

Monday, Jason and I went to the club's 7:30 swim workout. I worked on form and pacing. We worked on the recovery and reach phase of the stroke. High elbows, reach forward from the lats. I've never really focused on this before but it helped my form immensely. Normally, I'm thinking about what my arms are doing in the water. However, thinking about high elbows and stretching from the lats gave me a better recovery and more momentum. The pull phase felt effortless after that. I was propelling forward instead of focusing on pulling through. It was fantastic. Plus, I could feel my torso twisting more naturally from my core and hips, which is where the power comes from. I did a short weight session afterwards. That was kind of tough but I got through it.

Today, we went to our 7 am spin class at UCSD. Those are tough! They really get your heart rate up. It's a great workout and will help my power on the bike in the long run. However, my heart rate really soars so it's not very race-specific with respect to H-IM training. Once these classes end at the end of November, I'll probably switch to more race-specific bike workouts instead. Just in time for the base phase of my training plan! This evening, Jason and I went for an easy 4-mile recovery run. It actually helped loosen everything up and felt great.

I'm writing out a schedule for each day to fit in workouts with lab, errands, and life. It's been helping a lot. It incorporates stretching for 10-15 minutes morning and night and healthful things like that, which is nice. I feel very focused. It's a bit intense though. I think as long as I rest on my off days it'll be okay. I haven't been sleeping all that way lately though, and my appetite is oddly way down. I think my body is just adjusting to the "Prep" phase. My goal is to do the workouts and get my body used to the new and improved, more regimented routine.

Lots more to come...Stay tuned!


Jodi said...

I've loved base building so far. But then I notice I'm already at 9-10 hours per week and it makes me a little nervous to see what the build period will be!


Zoo said...

let the fun begin!!

Zoo said...

P.S. Why would you be pissed about your tempo naturally picking up? I figured that would be a good thing

Rachel said...

Zoo--I was pissed at Jason b/c he ALWAYS runs faster than me. Show-off.

Cliff said...

Sounds like u are going back at it.

I have been working on high elbows as well..those are tough :). But i found if my elbow is high.the rest of the stroke is easy.

JeffM said...

For the total immersion swim class we had drills of nothing but moving the arm forward with a good bend to the elbow and then added the torso turn, etc. feels like more power and I still have another month to go. Everyone that does track workouts says the same thing you did- I have to add them.

Rice said...

You have got to love them runs when everything comes together.. I had one this last Sunday and I was racking my brain trying to figure how what I did to get there and how I can do it again before this Sunday.



Fizzgig said...

annnnnd she's off......
I think it's mental, its easier to talk yourself out of a workout for no reason. Maybe thats just me.

Kewl Nitrox said...

Hmmm.... I have tried high elbows (I even do chicken wing drills) but have not tried stretching the lats... Will have to try that.

Tammy said...

You've planned ALL YOUR WORKOUTS thru MARCH??? for real? wow. Remember to plan in active and passive rest :) Which HIM are you doing?? YOu should do Soma w/me and Jessi!!

Jodi said...

Hey Rachel- I'm officially in for Oceanside. Woohooo!!!! It's so great to know that you'll be there too!



Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm exhausted just reading this. Whew, I guess that was my training for today :-)