Monday, July 05, 2021

Going Strong--onto Week 6!

 The workouts are feeling so much easier and fun lately. I'm definitely getting stronger and faster! I'm proud that I've been consistent at working out and counting calories. Onto Week 6!

Recap of the rest of Week 5:

Friday, July 2nd: I biked up Old La Honda to Skyline and took Woodside Road back down. This was a challenging ride, about 27 miles and 2,000 feet of climbing. I did great, until about 4 miles from the house, where I bonked. My muscles were shaking, and I had to stop to eat a bar. If I had taken in some calories earlier, I would have done much better. 

Saturday, July 3rd: First, I took Juneau for a 4-mile run. I just wanted to get in a 3rd run for the week. It went great, until about 0.5 miles from the house, when my stomach protested. It had been awhile since I had woken up early and run without breakfast. My GI system is just not trained for that yet. Fortunately, I made it home uneventfully.

Afterwards, Alan and I went for an 8 mile hike in Pescadero State Park, near Tarwater Creek. It was hilly but fun. Very remote. Not that many people. Lots of beautiful redwoods. A few lizards, lots of butterflies. The land is very dry right now due to the drought. My legs were so sore the next day!

Sunday, July 4th: I needed to do one more bike to meet my quota for the week. Even though my legs were sore, I decided to do an easier ride. I took Torch up Alameda de las Pulgas, turned west on Edgewood for a brisk rigorous, two-hill climb, and then returned on Canada. It was a great ride with a few rollers, something new, and 19 miles. Plus, I got to burn some calories before the big feast of July 4th (cheeseburgers, potatoes, corn on the cob, watermelon, champagne, pie, etc, etc. I cooked!).

Monday, July 5th: Started off Week 6 right with a repeat of Friday's ride. I started off with Alan, before he headed off to do the Pescadero Coast Loop. Even though my legs were sore, I warmed up out of it and had a great ride. The pancake and egg breakfast helped. So did the granola bar at the top of Skyline. I finally feel like I could out to the coast and back (climbing Skyline twice). My next ride, I'm going to see if I can climb both King's and Old La Honda as a test. Should be challenging!

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