Wednesday, May 20, 2009


My 20 mile run on Saturday was fantastic. I ran faster than ever before, even though I had to run up the inside of Torrey Pines. It was wonderful. I was victorious.

Afterwards, I was religious about stretching, taking my ice bath, and nap. Sunday, Alec and I went to cheer Brent on at the Encinitas Tri. Forgetting about my run the previous day, I took off running to follow Brent out of the water. Stabbing pain in my left hip stopped me short. Hmmm. Must just be sore from the day before. But it continued to ache as I walked. Soon I was limping. Stubbornly, I met my group for a 40-mile, hilly bike ride after the race, hoping my hip would loosen up. At mile 12, I pulled over and called it a day. I almost never do this. However, my hip hurt, I was tired, and in pain. Gutting through the bike ride simply was not going to help me. Only hurt me.

I went home and sulked the rest of the day. My hip hurt worse and worse and worse. Ibuprofen and ice didn't touch it. It felt like my hip was on fire. I couldn't even lie on my left side.

I rested my hip and walked as little as possible Monday and Tuesday. I got a sports massage. She thinks it's my gemellus muscle (hip abductor). She dug in until my knuckles were white. I think the muscle is really tight. I feel a twinging pain every time I push off/extend. I've been applying heat and using a tennis ball to help loosen it up. This seems to be helping.

Today, I tried swimming. Kicking was not fun. It hurt a lot the first 10 minutes and then got better and better. Walking is the same (hurts at first and then loosens up). Uphill feels great. Downhill is agony. Oddly enough, this is the same muscle I strained training for my very first half marathon over 6 years ago.

I have an appointment with the sports med doctor tomorrow morning. Please, please, please let it heal before Rock 'n Roll Marathon next weekend.


RoadBunner said...

Oh, no! I hope it is a fluke thing that heals quickly :( I hate injuries. I've got chronic shin splints in my right leg and am currently dealing with a strange pain in my left foot. Sounds like you're being smart and nipping it in the bud, though.

Wes said...

Hopefully, you just inflamed something. I hope you heal quickly!!

IronVince: IM WI 2009 and Beyond said...
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Caroline Novak said...

Hope it's gone tomorrow!!

Sometimes, don't you find the minute you go to the sports med clinic, and the guy is trying to assess, suddenly the pain is nowhere to be found ...

Crossing my fingers!

Renee said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! It sounds like you are taking all of the right steps to take care of it so we are going to hope for a great outcome this weekend. Try not to get too depressed though! Take care of yourself!

SM said...

I hope everything is ok. Good luck tomorrow!

Diana said...

Best of luck with the hip. Hope you make the race!

Leah said...

Yikes! I am thinking good thoughts for you and hoping it's just a minor twinge. Feel better!

teacherwoman said...

Oh no! I hope that a little rest will make it all better!

Anniversary Moments said...

yes running RNR would be great and I hope you can but you have another race sneaking up on you soon enough - something in Canada and I believe it also includes a marathon as part of it, so remember that and if it means sitting out or going easy for RNR, well...sometimes it must be done

Grey Beard said...

Can you swim with those floats between your feet? Just work your core, cardio and arms? For connective tissue, lots of vitamin C?

Mary said...

NOOOOO! I'm thinking of you. I totally feel your pain (in every way). Hope the Dr. appt. went well and with a little rest you're back on the roads. Hope to see you soon. Maybe the cove tomorrow?