I can't believe it. It seems too good to be true. But I've felt 100% better this entire week! I can breathe and smell and taste! My energy levels are returning to normal. I feel myself again. After 10 weeks of being sick, I was beginning to think I was never going to be well again. Tomorrow is my last day of antibiotics! I can't wait.
I'm ecstatic. Little things, like riding my bike to work, I used to take for granted. Now, I relish in these daily activities. I can smell the ocean again and the morning mist on the grass. I'm not totally back to normal yet but I feel like I've kicked this bug once and for all. My energy levels definitely ebb and flow. I'm still trying to be conservative and listen to my body. Ease back into it. But I finally feel like myself again.
After my fantastic run on Saturday, I took it easy until I was off the prednisone. On Wednesday, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go. I rode Ghostrider (the commuter bike) in to work. It was fun to get into lab sweaty and breathless. Plus, it didn't feel any harder than it did when I was in better shape. After work, I had a great 4 mile run before going home and doing weights and cleaning up the apartment. I know I overdid it a little. I was sore on Thursday but not as sore as I had predicted.
On my run, I found myself following another running group on the same path. We started chatting and before long, I had found a new running group. There was about 8 of them going the same pace and distance and route as me. How could I not run with them? Turns out, they live and work near me and begin their runs 0.5 miles from where I work every Wednesday at 5:45 pm. So I found myself a new running group! How about that?
I've been extremely busy in lab this week. It's sooo hard not to play catch-up. I don't want to overstress my system. I'm trying to take each day as it comes. Baby steps. I have to work on not feeling overwhelmed by everything I want to do.
finally! you're better!!
ease yourself back in... and start with Rocky -- great looking bike!!!
YES!! Great to hear you are feeling better. I agree with bolder, ease yourself back in and always remember how good it feels to do this sport, even when it hurts.
Sounds like a perfect running group for you. Same pace and close to work. Don't you love it when things work out!?
Glad to see your health has come around. Take it easy coming back and building into it. Looking forward to seeing you at some club events again!
Glad your feeling better, that is a long time being sick..
Stay healthy, take it slowly, no need to rush things, you have the whole summer to have some crazy fun.
Welcome back! Take it slow and steady and you'll be back before you know it! :)
Keep it up girl. Nice and easy. And enjoy the exercise :o)
Yay!!! So happy to hear you are back! :)
Good call on easing back into it. Practice restraint and you will be all set.
Yay to good health!
yayyy! Glad to hear you are getting back to your old self! Just in time for summer! Oh thats right, its BEEN summer where you are for quite some time. *sigh*
I am so glad you are better. Isn't it amazing how a little time away from something becomes better when you come back to it?
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