Sunday, August 07, 2016

Building Fitness and Self-Improvement

Over the past 6 weeks, I have suddenly resumed working out regularly. I even signed sprint, and olympic triathlon! I have many transitions over the summer, and I feel my old self finally coming back.

I've been going through a lot lately. Seems like I say that a lot. My saving grace is that I've been working out consistently. With all the turmoil spinning around me and inside my head, my workouts are a constant, comforting lifeline that I can always rely on to lead me in the right direction. That's all I can say right now. It's purposely vague. For all the gory details, well, you will just have to wait for the book...

I'm starting to get a base back. It took 4 solid weeks of running 3x/week, suffering through each workout, taking walk breaks, and being humble, before my running legs came back. I'm still slow and have many miles to build but I can now run 4-6 miles at a steady pace comfortably without needing to stop. I can finally run for mental peace and active meditation again. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Swimming has been coming back a little faster. I can swim a mile in the pool without stopping...slowly, but pretty close to my old base pace. I will be tested in two weeks when I have to swim 3/4 of a mile in the open ocean. The Pacific up here is so much colder, and the waves are much bigger. I will need to practice...

Biking has gone very well. I don't know what my pace is because I've purposely failed to replace the batteries in my cyclometer. I'm riding 25 miles on road and even throwing some mountain biking in. My training goals are just to have fun and resume fitness for mental health purposes right now. Since I suffered such a long burn-out, I want to come back into endurance training slowly and with a different (less competitive) focus this time around.

I definitely need new running shoes! My old Brooks Adrenaline model has been replaced with a completely different model that doesn't work with my orthotics. I did a trail run at Rancho San Antonio Park and got a little excited. I felt so good, that I accidentally ran 8 miles, besides the horrible pain in my toes when they pounded the toe box on the downhill. I ignored the pain because, well, that's what I do. My toenails have since been a gorgeous deep violet that I'm thinking of marketing as "Black-and-Blue". I painted the rest of my nails blue to match. No chipping and it lasts for weeks!

On my next run, I decided to take my favorite running partner, Juneau, along with me. She always smiles when we run and jogs when I talk walk breaks. She always pushes the pace. Whenever I'm suffering, I just look at her happy face, and it takes the pain away. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention to the bushes that jutted out into the sidewalk, narrowing our path. With a car parked to my left and Juneau to my right, there was simply not enough room for both of us at the same time. She leaped left, directly under my knees, causing me to fall H.A.R.D. on the sidewalk. I sprained my right hand and tore a lot of skin off my right knee. Hey, at least I have cool battle scars to show off. 

one day later

I will continue to transform myself by being active every day (or almost every day--I'm going to listen to my body). Stay tuned for motivating updates!

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